Page 218 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 218

 Grade 12, College Preparation
    d1. analyse the development of selected electrical and electromagnetic technologies, and evaluate their impact on society and the environment;
d2. investigate real and simulated mixed direct current circuits and the nature of magnetism and electromagnetism, and analyse related data;
d3. demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of electricity and magnetism.
  D1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 D2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
d. electricity And mAgnetiSm OVERALL EXPECTATIONS
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
d1.1 evaluate, on the basis of research, the impact on society and the environment of the evolution of an electrical technology (e.g., electric cars or buses, electric appliances) [IP, PR, AI, C]
Sample issue: Prior to the development of the electric light bulb, people used candles, gaslight, and oil lamps. After the tungsten filament was developed, incandescent light bulbs changed the way society used light, and resulted in increased demands for electrical power. Today, inefficient incandescent bulbs are increasingly being replaced by compact fluorescent bulbs.
Sample questions: What impact has the develop- ment and evolution of refrigeration technologies had on society and the environment? Are trains powered by electricity an improvement over trains powered by steam or diesel engines? Why or why not? What impact does the use of electric buses, streetcars, and subway trains by the Toronto Transit Commission have on local resi- dents and the environment?
d1.2 assess the impact of an electromagnetic tech- nology that is used for the benefit of society or the environment (e.g., devices for diagnosing and treating diseases, technologies for treating seeds to increase the rate of germination) [AI, C]
Sample issue: Globally, landmines cause thou- sands of deaths and injuries each year. Although many countries, including Canada, have signed an agreement banning the use of
landmines, old mines continue to be a hazard. Specially trained personnel use electromagnetic technologies to detect and clear mines.
Sample questions: What impact has electro- magnetic technology had on the usefulness and security of credit cards? What are some of the uses of electromagnetic technologies in health care? What are the benefits of using electro- magnetic sensors to detect metal concentrations in brown-field developments? What are the ad- vantages of maglev trains over conventional transportation technologies?
By the end of this course, students will:
d2.1 use appropriate terminology related to electri- city and magnetism, including, but not limited to: direct current, alternating current, electrical potential difference, resistance, power, energy, permanent magnet, electromagnet, magnetic field, motor principle, and electric motor [C]
d2.2 construct real and simulated mixed direct current (DC) circuits (i.e., parallel, series, and mixed circuits), and analyse them in quantita- tive terms to test Kirchhoff’s laws [PR, AI]
d2.3 analyse, in quantitative terms, real or simu- lated DC circuits and circuit diagrams, using Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws [AI]
d2.4 conduct an inquiry to determine the magnetic fields produced by a permanent magnet, a straight current-carrying conductor, and a sol- enoid, and illustrate their findings [PR, AI, C]

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