Page 217 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 217

c2.4 use an inquiry process to determine the rela- tionships between force, distance, and torque for the load arm and effort arm of levers [IP, PR, AI]
c2.5 solve problems involving torque, force, load- arm length, and effort-arm length as they relate to the three classes of levers [AI]
c2.6 investigate, in quantitative terms, common machines (e.g., a bicycle, a can opener, a piano) with respect to input and output forces and mechanical advantage [PR]
c2.7 construct a simple or compound machine, and determine its mechanical advantage (e.g., a pulley, a mobile, a can crusher, a trebuchet) [PR, AI]
C. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
c3.1 identify and describe, in quantitative and qualitative terms, applications of various types of simple machines (e.g., wedges, screws, levers, pulleys, gears, wheels and axles)
c3.2 explain the operation and mechanical advan- tage of compound machines and biomechanical systems (e.g., block-and-tackle, winch, chain- and-sprocket systems; the human leg, arm)
c3.3 explain, with reference to force and displacement, the conditions necessary for work to be done
c3.4 explain the concept of mechanical advantage

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