Page 156 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 156

 Grade 11, University/College Preparation
    B1. analyse social and economic issues related to an environmental challenge, and how societal needs influence scientific endeavours related to the environment;
B2. investigate a range of perspectives that have contributed to scientific knowledge about the environment, and how scientific knowledge and procedures are applied to address contemporary environmental problems;
B3. demonstrateanunderstandingofmajorcontemporaryenvironmentalchallengesandhowwe acquire knowledge about them.
  B1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
B. Scientific SolutionS
to contemporAry environmentAl chAllengeS
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 analyse, on the basis of research, social and economic issues related to a particular environ- mental challenge (e.g., overfishing, deforestation, acid rain, melting of the polar ice cap) and to efforts to address it [IP, PR, AI, C]
Sample issue: Greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles are a major contributor to global warming. The use of ethanol and other biofuels in motor vehicles reduces these emissions. However, diverting crops from food production to fuel production can increase prices and decrease the supply of food.
Sample questions: What are some of the social and economic challenges associated with clean- ing up and conserving fresh water supplies? What are some alternative energy sources? What social and economic challenges are asso- ciated with their development? In what ways can consuming locally grown foods help the local economy, society, and the environment?
B1.2 analyse ways in which societal needs or demands have influenced scientific endeavours related to the environment (e.g., the development of drought- and pest-resistant crops to address the rising global need for food; research into alternative energy sources in response to demands to address the impact on climate change of burning fossil fuels) [AI, C]
Sample issue: Because of unstable oil prices and the environmental damage caused by motor vehicle emissions, many consumers have been demanding more environmentally friendly vehicles. As a result, car companies are devot- ing greater resources towards the development of more fuel-efficient engines, hybrid vehicles, and cars powered by electricity or other types of energy.
Sample questions: How and why do demands by environmentally conscious consumers affect the types of products developed by corporations? What impact have the energy needs of remote communities had on innovations in the develop- ment of off-grid energy sources? What types of products have been developed in response to the health threats resulting from ozone depletion?

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