Page 126 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 126

 Grade 12, College Preparation
    c1. evaluate the impact on society, human health, and the environment of products made using organic compounds;
c2. investigatethephysicalandchemicalpropertiesoforganiccompounds,andanalysesomecommon organic chemical reactions;
c3. demonstrate an understanding of the structure and the physical and chemical properties of organic compounds.
  C1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 C2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
Sample issue: We depend on plastics in every area of our lives, from food packaging to construction materials to DVDs. However, the By the end of this course, students will: manufacture of plastics involves the release of chemical pollutants and greenhouse gases into c1.1 identify various materials and products used
the environment, and huge quantities of plastic in everyday life that are made from organic
trash are now being found in our oceans. compounds (e.g., synthetic fabrics, drugs,
Sample questions: What is the environmental pesticides, cosmetics, organic solvents, car
impact of the production, use, and disposal of parts, artificial hearts), and assess the benefits
plastic water bottles? What impact does the
of those products for society, as well as the
vulcanization of rubber have on the environ- health hazards they pose [AI, C]
ment? What are the risks and benefits to the Sample issue: Organic compounds are present environment of the production of synthetic
in a wide variety of pharmaceuticals and fibres for the textile industry?
natural health products that can contribute to
people’s health. However, some of the organic
chemicals in these products may not be as nat-
ural or healthy as advertised, and they can have
adverse affects on some people.
By the end of this course, students will:
Sample questions: Why are organic compounds
often added to food products? What are the
c2.1 use appropriate terminology related to benefits, and potential health risks, to farmers
organic chemistry, including, but not limited to: of spraying pesticides on their crops? What are
electronegativity, covalent bond, and functional the health risks of eating food that has been
group [C]
heated in plastic containers in the microwave?
c2.2 draw Lewis structures to represent the What are the benefits and risks to our health of
covalent bonds in some simple organic mol- taking some common pain relief medications?
ecules (e.g., CH4) [AI, C]
c1.2 research a useful product made from one or
c2.3 build molecular models of, and create more organic substances (e.g., CDs, made from
structural formulae for, some simple organic crude oil), and assess the environmental impact
molecules (e.g., methane, butane, ethyne)
of the production, use, and disposal of the
[PR, AI, C]
product [IP, PR, AI, C]
By the end of this course, students will:

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