Page 119 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 119

f2.6 predict the spontaneity of redox reactions, based on overall cell potential as determined using a table of standard reduction potentials for redox half-reactions [AI]
F. Understanding Basic Concepts
By the end of this course, students will:
f3.1 explain redox reactions in terms of the loss and gain of electrons and the associated change in oxidation number
f3.2 identify the components of a galvanic cell, and explain how each component functions in a redox reaction
f3.3 describe galvanic cells in terms of oxidation and reduction half-cells whose voltages can be used to determine overall cell potential
f3.4 explain how the hydrogen half-cell is used as a standard reference to determine the volt- ages of another half-cell
f3.5 explain some applications of electrochem- istry in common industrial processes (e.g., in refining metals such as aluminum and zinc; in the production of hydrogen)
f3.6 explain the corrosion of metals in terms of an electrochemical process, and describe some common corrosion-inhibiting techniques (e.g., painting, galvanizing, cathodic protection)

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