Page 116 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 116

 Grade 12, University Preparation
    e1. analyse chemical equilibrium processes, and assess their impact on biological, biochemical, and technological systems;
e2. investigate the qualitative and quantitative nature of chemical systems at equilibrium, and solve related problems;
e3. demonstrate an understanding of the concept of dynamic equilibrium and the variables that cause shifts in the equilibrium of chemical systems.
  E1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 E2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
Sample issue: Heavy metals such as copper, lead, and zinc can accumulate to toxic levels in the human body. A process called chelation, By the end of this course, students will: which causes a chemical reaction involving an equilibrium shift, removes the metals from the e1.1 analyse the optimal conditions for a specific
body before permanent organ damage occurs. chemical process related to the principles of
Sample questions: Why are headache tablets equilibrium that takes place in nature or is used
buffered? Why is barium sulfate safe to use for in industry (e.g., the production of sulfuric
X-rays of the digestive system even though acid, electrolyte balance in the human body,
barium ions are poisonous? How do kidney sedimentation in water systems) [AI, C]
stones form?
Sample issue: The principle of dynamic
equilibrium is used in industrial processes
to maximize the concentration of products and
minimize leftover reactants. Industrial chemists
determine ideal pressure and temperature con-
By the end of this course, students will:
ditions, and proper catalysts, so that fewer
materials and less energy are used.
e2.1 use appropriate terminology related to Sample questions: Why are low temperature
chemical systems and equilibrium, including, conditions not used with exothermic reactions?
but not limited to: homogeneous, closed system, How do chemicals dissolved in human blood help
reversible reaction, equilibrium constant, maintain a blood pH level between 7.2 and 7.4?
equilibrium concentration, molar solubility,
and buffer [C]
e1.2 assess the impact of chemical equilibrium
processes on various biological, biochemical, and
e2.2 predict, applying Le Châtelier’s principle technological systems (e.g., remediation in areas
or the reaction quotient for a given reaction,
of heavy metal contamination, development of
how various factors (e.g., changes in volume, gallstones, use of buffering in medications, use
temperature, or concentration of reactants or of barium sulfate in medical diagnosis) [AI, C]
products in a solution) would affect a chemical system at equilibrium, and conduct an inquiry to test those predictions [PR, AI]
e. chemicAl SyStemS And eQuiliBrium
By the end of this course, students will:

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