Page 102 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 102

 Grade 11, University Preparation
    e1. analyse the origins and effects of water pollution, and a variety of economic, social, and environmental issues related to drinking water;
e2. investigate qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions, and solve related problems;
e3. demonstrate an understanding of qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions.
  E1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 E2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
e1.1 analyse the origins and cumulative effects of pollutants that enter our water systems (e.g., landfill leachates, agricultural run-off, industrial effluents, chemical spills), and explain how these pollutants affect water quality [AI, C]
Sample issue: Golf courses use fertilizer and irrigation systems to sustain the vegetation. However, chemical substances, when combined with water, may run off and pollute local water systems.
Sample questions: What pollutants might be found in untreated wastewater from a chicken farm or a poultry-processing plant? How do leachates from old landfill sites enter our water system? How might they affect the water quality of local streams? What are some of the sources and effects of mercury in water systems? What impact might this contaminant have on Aboriginal communities that depend on fishing as a source of food?
e1.2 analyse economic, social, and environmental issues related to the distribution, purification, or use of drinking water (e.g., the impact on the environment of the use of bottled water) [AI, C]
Sample issue: In developing countries, thou- sands of people, many of them children, die every year from drinking contaminated water. Many of these countries cannot afford to build water treatment plants. In North America, where safe water is generally available, we spend millions of dollars on bottled water, draining sources of fresh water and challenging waste-disposal systems.
Sample questions: What are the economic costs of building, maintaining, and monitoring water-purification plants? What are the social and environmental costs if these plants are not properly maintained and monitored? How effective are municipal wastewater treatment processes at removing pharmaceuticals such as hormones and antibiotics from our drinking water? What public health concerns are associated with the consumption of water bottled in plastic containers?
By the end of this course, students will:
e2.1 use appropriate terminology related to aqueous solutions and solubility, including, but not limited to: concentration, solubility, precipitate, ionization, dissociation, pH, dilute, solute, and solvent [C]
e2.2 solve problems related to the concentration of solutions by performing calculations involving moles, and express the results in various units (e.g., moles per litre, grams per 100 mL, parts per million or parts per billion, mass, volume per cent) [AI, C]
e2.3 prepare solutions of a given concentration by dissolving a solid solute in a solvent or by diluting a concentrated solution [PR]
e2.4 conduct an investigation to analyse quali- tative and quantitative properties of solutions (e.g., perform a qualitative analysis of ions in a solution) [PR, AI]
e2.5 write balanced net ionic equations to represent precipitation and neutralization reactions [AI, C]
e. SolutionS And SoluBility OVERALL EXPECTATIONS

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