Page 25 - OSR 99- Eng.
P. 25

  For each student enrolled in a school board continuing education course or program for the purpose of achieving an Ontario secondary school credit or credits, the principal of the continuing education course or program will establish an office index card, which will contain the following information:
– the full name of the student
– the number assigned to the student by the school or school board, where applicable
– a Ministry Identification Number (MIN) or Ontario Education Number (OEN) assigned by the ministry, where applicable
– the gender of the student
– the student’s date of birth (year, month, day) and the source used to verify the date
– if applicable, the name(s) of the individual(s) who has (have) custody of the student and for whom verification of the custody order is included in the documentation file
– the student’s current address and home telephone number, as well as an emergency number if one has been provided
– the dates (year, month, day) on which the student enrols in the program, transfers from the program, and/or retires from the program
– the name and address of the school to which the student transfers and the date
– the student’s address on the date of transfer or retirement
– the name and address or some other means of identification of the continuing educa- tion program from which the student is transferring or retiring
– other information that is identified in accordance with the policies established by the school board (see section 2)
The OST will be maintained by the principal of the continuing education program. If, however, the student is also enrolled in a day school program, the principal of the continuing education program will forward information on credits earned to the principal of the day school program for inclusion in the student’s OST.

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