Page 23 - OSR 99- Eng.
P. 23

  If certain information or material in an OSR folder is determined, according to the board’s policies, to be no longer conducive to the improvement of the instruction of the student, the principal will have the information or material removed from the OSR folder. Such information will be given to the parent(s) of a student who is not an adult or to the student if the student is an adult, or it will be destroyed (see section 8).
If the parent(s) or adult student is (are) of the opinion that the information contained in the student’s OSR is inaccurately recorded or that it is not conducive to the improve- ment of the instruction of the student, the parent(s) or adult student may request in writing that the principal correct the alleged inaccuracy or remove the information from the record. If the principal complies with the request, the material will be corrected or will be removed from the file and destroyed or returned to the parent(s) or the adult stu- dent, and no record of the request will be retained in the OSR.
If the principal refuses to comply with the request, the parent(s) or the adult student may request in writing that the principal refer the request to the appropriate supervi- sory officer. The supervisory officer will either (a) require that the principal comply with the request, or (b) submit the OSR and the request to a person designated by the Minister of Education. If the supervisory officer requires that the principal comply with the request, no record of the request will be retained in the OSR. If the supervisory offi- cer submits the request to a person designated by the Minister, that person will hold a hearing, which the principal and the person(s) who made the request will attend. After the hearing, the person designated by the Minister will make a decision on the matter. This decision will be final and binding. If the person designated by the Minister requires that the principal comply with the request, no record of the request will be retained in the OSR. If the person designated by the Minister denies the request, the original request, including the date on which it was made, and the statement of this final deci- sion will be retained in the documentation file.
Freedom of information legislation also permits persons to request that recorded personal information be corrected.
Every principal will ensure that no OSR discloses (a) the contravention or alleged contra- vention by a student of any statute or regulation to which the Young Offenders Act or Part V-A of the Provincial Offences Act applies, or (b) the disposition of any proceedings brought under those statutes or regulations. If an entry in an OSR does disclose such information, the principal of the school in which the student is enrolled will ensure that the entry is altered appropriately or deleted from the OSR.

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