Page 87 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
P. 87

On or before the last day of August, a statement of the student’s achievement will be issued to the student by the principal of the summer school. Where the course(s) are for credit, the achievement will also be reported to the principal of the school that holds the student’s Ontario Student Record for recording on the Ontario Student Transcript.
10.2.3 Evening Credit Courses
A school board may offer evening credit courses, through continuing education, to regular day school students and to adults who need to complete requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
To be considered for admission to a continuing education course offered for credit in the evening, a regular day school student must provide:
✦✦ a statement signed by the day school principal indicating that there has been consultation with the student regarding enrolment in the course and that the student has been granted permission to enrol in the course;
✦✦ evidence of parental approval, if the student is under the age of eighteen (unless the student is sixteen or seventeen years old and has withdrawn from parental control).
The scheduled time in any evening continuing education course taken for credit
will not be less than 90 hours. It is the responsibility of the principal of the con- tinuing education program to ensure that each course contains the amount of work that would ordinarily be completed in the time scheduled for the course in a day school program. A statement of the student’s achievement will be issued to the student by the principal of the night school and reported to the principal of the school that holds the student’s Ontario Student Record for recording on the Ontario Student Transcript.
10.3 Independent Study
Independent study is an arrangement by which a student is excused from attending some or all classes in a course in order to study independently but under the super- vision of a teacher. Courses delivered through the Independent Learning Centre (see section 10.5) may form part of independent study.
There is no restriction on the number of periods that a teacher may allow for in- dependent study within any given course. The teacher of the course is responsible for assigning components of the course, suggesting available resources, evaluating the achievement of the student, and ensuring that the total work involved is equiv- alent to that expected in the time scheduled for the course. Students are expected to demonstrate achievement of the overall curriculum expectations of the course.
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