Page 86 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
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  Regulation 285, “Continuing Education”, R.R.O. 1990
Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.2, subsection 41 (6)
10.2.1 Adult Education
Adult education offered by school boards provides opportunities for adults to return to complete their Ontario Secondary School Diploma and/or to complete specific courses required for entry into postsecondary institutions and apprentice- ship programs. Flexible programming offered full-time or part-time during the day or in the evening allows adults to learn while fulfilling other obligations that may include working and parenting. Courses may be offered in modules or quadmesters of approximately six to eight weeks and may take place in adult learning centres, centres for continuing education, adult high schools, and secondary schools.
10.2.2 Summer School
School boards may offer summer school programs, through continuing education, to elementary, secondary, and adult students. The terms of admission to a course offered through summer school will be determined by the board that operates
the summer school. A summer school program may not begin until after the last school day in the school year and must end before the first school day of the fol- lowing school year.
School boards may wish to offer courses for credit through summer school to meet a variety of student needs. For example, summer courses may be offered for credit in order to:
✦✦ enable students to take additional credit courses;
✦✦ allow students to retake courses they have not successfully completed during
the school year or courses in which they wish to improve their achievement;
✦✦ allow students to achieve a credit through credit recovery of a course that they
have not successfully completed during the school year (see section 7.5.1);
✦✦ enable students to complete required components of specialized programs
(e.g., Specialist High Skills Major programs).
Summer school credit courses must fulfil the same credit requirements as courses offered during the regular school year, including the requirement that each one- credit course be scheduled for 110 hours.
Boards may also offer non-credit summer school courses and programs to address elementary and secondary students’ remedial needs and interests.
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