Page 52 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
P. 52

Special Education
✦✦ provision of special education, including:
✧✦ an explanation of accommodations provided
✧✦ an explanation of modifications of curriculum expectations
✧✦ the availability of alternative (non-credit) courses
✧✦ the role of the Identification, Placement, and Review Committee
process and the Individual Education Plan
✧✦ the role of the board’s Special Education Advisory Committee
✧✦ how to obtain the board’s special education parent guide and learn
about special education policies and procedures
Board-wide Programs
✦✦ board-wide programs, including their location and how to gain admission to:
✧✦ all alternative schools and programs available in the board, including
schools with alternative organizational structures (e.g., year-round
✧✦ specialized programs and schools (e.g., French immersion programs,
Specialist High Skills Major programs)
✧✦ continuing education programs such as summer school and night school
5.3.2 Outlines of Courses of Study
The principal of a secondary school will retain on file up-to-date copies of the out- lines of all of the courses of study for courses offered at the school. These course outlines must be available at the school for parents and students to examine.
Course outlines in the secondary school will include at least the following information:
✦✦ the name of the ministry’s curriculum policy document(s) from which the outline of the course of study has been developed
✦✦ the name of the board, school, and department, as well as the names of the department head, the classroom program developers or teachers, and the dates of development and revision
✦✦ the course title, course type, grade, course code, and credit value
✦✦ the prerequisite(s) if any
✦✦ the overall curriculum expectations
✦✦ an outline of the course content, including unit titles in the sequence in
which the material will be studied
✦✦ teaching strategies appropriate to the course type (i.e., strategies reflecting
the appropriate balance of theoretical components and practical applications for the particular type of course) and teaching strategies appropriate to the range of students’ learning needs
50 OntariO SchOOlS, Kindergarten tO grade 12

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