Page 45 - Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12
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Regular attendance at school is critical for the student’s learning. To encourage regular attendance by students, schools will ensure that students and their parents are informed about the school’s policy on attendance. Where, in the principal’s judgement, a student’s frequent absences from school are jeopardizing his or her success, school staff should meet with the student and the parents to explain the potential consequences of the absences and discuss steps to be taken to improve attendance.
Part-time study for up to a year is allowed for sixteen- and seventeen-year-old students for compassionate reasons, with the principal’s approval, as outlined in Ontario Regulation 374/10.
Students of compulsory school age whose absence is reported to the school board attendance counsellor will have the reason for their absence investigated.
See also section 3.2.3, “Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL)”.
Enrolment Registers and Instructions
Education Act, R.S.O 1990, Chapter E.2, Section 21: Compulsory Attendance
O. Reg. 374/10, “Supervised Alternative Learning and Other Excusals from Attendance at School”
4.2.1 Safe Arrivals: Elementary School Program
A safe-arrival program is a system of procedures that are carried out in conjunc- tion with daily school attendance taking. Parents are responsible for their chil- dren’s safety. Safe-arrival programs are a mechanism that parents and schools can use to account for any student’s unexplained failure to arrive at school. In order to promote the safety of our students, each school board must have policies and procedures in place for the implementation of a safe-arrival program in each elementary school.
PPM No. 123, “Safe Arrivals” (February 2, 1999)
      Part One: elementary and Secondary Schools 43

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