Page 13 - Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12 Native Languages
P. 13

Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of language patterns and spelling strategies;
• communicateideas,feelings,andinformation;
• produceavarietyofwrittenworks(e.g.,storybooks,comicstrips);
• use appropriate punctuation and appropriate diacritical marks on unfamiliar words;
• use electronic technology to communicate in a Native language with other students.
Specific Expectations
Reasoning and Critical Thinking
By the end of this course, students will:
– demonstrate an understanding of Native cultural traditions and arts through the use of new words and phrases;
– demonstrate their knowledge of different forms of writing (e.g., description, exposi- tion, report, argument, dialogue);
– use varied vocabulary and expressions in conveying facts, opinions, emotions, and ideas electronically to students in other communities;
– demonstrate an awareness of the potential of certain words and phrases to have mul- tiple meanings (e.g., literal and figurative meanings);
– communicate in a Native language to exchange ideas and feelings on social issues (e.g., health issues, the judicial system, rural and urban lifestyles) with other students, using electronic technology.
Use of Words and Language Patterns
By the end of this course, students will:
– produce a variety of written materials (e.g., short stories, notes, lists, poems, newspaper columns, advertisements);
– produce a script (e.g., dialogue, comic strip);
– demonstrate an understanding of the correct use of language patterns in their writing.

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