Page 12 - Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12 Native Languages
P. 12

Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrate comprehension of written works;
• read a variety of written works to gather information about cultural perspectives;
• demonstrateanunderstandingofanAboriginalworldviewthroughananalysisofwords; • use electronic technology to communicate in a Native language with other students.
Specific Expectations
Reasoning and Critical Thinking
By the end of this course, students will:
– demonstrate comprehension of written works (e.g., using alternative words or phrases, breaking a message into smaller parts) by participating in and producing a language project;
– compare and contrast ideas, characters, and events in written works;
– read a variety of written works for differ- ent purposes (e.g., leisure, knowledge, news, facts);
– demonstrate an understanding of Native historical writing (e.g.,The Great Law, works by Peter Jones);
– demonstrate an understanding of cosmol- ogy (e.g., family, spiritual kinships) through word analysis.
Use of Words and Language Patterns
By the end of this course, students will:
– read materials orally, using correct pro- nunciation and with confidence;
– demonstrate an understanding of language patterns after reading a variety of written works;
– demonstrate an understanding of written works by participating in oral language activities (e.g., skits, paraphrasing);
– demonstrate an understanding of new combinations of known language patterns and vocabulary after reading a variety of written works;
– communicate in a Native language to exchange ideas and feelings on social issues (e.g., issues in health, sports; issues from history) with other students, using electronic technology.

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