Page 11 - Math 9-10 (2009)
P. 11

 The focus of study in the Grade 9 courses is linear relations, with some attention given to the study of non-linear relations. In the Linear Relations strand, students develop initial under- standings of the properties of linear relations as they collect, organize, and interpret data drawn from a variety of real-life situations (applying knowledge gained in the Data Management strand of the elementary school program) and create models for the data. Students then develop, make connections among, and apply various representations of linear relations and solve related problems. In the Analytic Geometry strand of the Principles course, students will extend the initial experiences of linear relations into the abstract realm of equations in the form y = mx + b, formulas, and problems.
The strand Measurement and Geometry extends students’ understandings from Grade 8 to include the measurement of composite two-dimensional shapes and the development of for- mulas for, and applications of, additional three-dimensional figures. Furthermore, in measure- ment, students investigate the effect of varying dimensions (length and width) on a measure such as area. Students in the Principles course conduct similar investigations in connection with volume and surface area. Examination of such relationships leads students to make con- clusions about the optimal size of shapes (in the Foundations course) or of shapes and figures (in the Principles course). In geometry, the knowledge students acquired in Grade 8 about the properties of two-dimensional shapes is extended through investigations that broaden their understanding of the relationships among the properties.
Grade 10 Courses
Strands and Subgroups in the Grade 10 Courses
 Principles of Mathematics Foundations of Mathematics (Academic) (Applied)
 Quadratic Relations of the Form y = ax2 + bx + c
• InvestigatingtheBasicPropertiesofQuadratic
• RelatingtheGraphofy=x2andIts
• SolvingQuadraticEquations
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingQuadraticRelations Analytic Geometry
• UsingLinearSystemstoSolveProblems
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingPropertiesofLine
• UsingAnalyticGeometrytoVerifyGeometric
• InvestigatingSimilarityandSolvingProblems Involving Similar Triangles
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingtheTrigonometryof Right Triangles
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingtheTrigonometryof Acute Triangles
 Measurement and Trigonometry
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingSimilarTriangles
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingtheTrigonometryof
Right Triangles
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingSurfaceAreaand
Volume, Using Imperial and Metric Systems of
Modelling Linear Relations
• ManipulatingandSolvingAlgebraicEquations
• GraphingandWritingEquationsofLines
• SolvingandInterpretingSystemsofLinear
Quadratic Relations of the Form y = ax2 + bx + c
• ManipulatingQuadraticExpressions
• IdentifyingCharacteristicsofQuadraticRelations
• SolvingProblemsbyInterpretingGraphsof
Quadratic Relations

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