Page 10 - Math 9-10 (2009)
P. 10

Grade 9 Courses
Strands and Subgroups in the Grade 9 Courses
Principles of Mathematics (Academic)
Foundations of Mathematics (Applied)
   Number Sense and Algebra
• OperatingwithExponents
• ManipulatingExpressionsandSolvingEquations Linear Relations
• UsingDataManagementtoInvestigate
• UnderstandingCharacteristicsofLinear
• ConnectingVariousRepresentationsofLinear
Analytic Geometry
• InvestigatingtheRelationshipBetweenthe Equation of a Relation and the Shape of Its Graph
• InvestigatingthePropertiesofSlope
• UsingthePropertiesofLinearRelationstoSolve
Measurement and Geometry
• InvestigatingtheOptimalValuesof Measurements
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingPerimeter,Area, Surface Area, and Volume
• InvestigatingandApplyingGeometric Relationships
 Number Sense and Algebra
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingProportional Reasoning
• SimplifyingExpressionsandSolvingEquations Linear Relations
• UsingDataManagementtoInvestigate
• DeterminingCharacteristicsofLinearRelations
• InvestigatingConstantRateofChange
• ConnectingVariousRepresentationsofLinear
Relations and Solving Problems Using the
Measurement and Geometry
• InvestigatingtheOptimalValuesof Measurements of Rectangles
• SolvingProblemsInvolvingPerimeter,Area,and Volume
• InvestigatingandApplyingGeometric Relationships
 The strands in the Grade 9 courses are designed to build on those in Grade 8, while at the same time providing for growth in new directions in high school.
The strand Number Sense and Algebra builds on the Grade 8 Number Sense and Numeration strand and parts of the Patterning and Algebra strand. It includes expectations describing numeric skills that students are expected to consolidate and apply, along with estimation and mental computation skills, as they solve problems and learn new material throughout the course. The strand includes the algebraic knowledge and skills necessary for the study and application of relations. In the Principles course, the strand covers the basic exponent rules, manipulation of polynomials with up to two variables, and the solving of first-degree equa- tions. In the Foundations course, it covers operations with polynomials involving one variable and the solving of first-degree equations with non-fractional coefficients. The strand in the Foundations course also includes expectations that follow from the Grade 8 Proportional Reasoning strand, providing an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of proportional reasoning through investigation of a variety of topics, and providing them with skills that will help them meet the expectations in the Linear Relations strand.

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