Page 67 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 67

mind. The teacher reflects on how the guidelines established by the class can be revisited and further established in future conversations with students – recognizing that this is a fluid process.
Developing a Healthy Mathematical Identity Through Building Self-Awareness
Scenario [building empowerment through relevance using a strength-based approach]: Students are given the task of researching and telling a story about the development of a geometric concept that is relevant to them. The teacher provides guidance for a student who is unsure of how to approach this.
Small-Group Discussion: The teacher asks students to brainstorm in small groups some possible geometric concepts that they might be interested in researching and identify why each concept is of interest.
Teacher Prompt: The teacher asks students to select one of the concepts from their brainstorming session that might be relevant to them, in that they can make a personal connection to the concept or tell a story about it in a way that reflects their identities or interests.
Students’ Action: Students gather information on their selected concepts. They may collect information from personal history, community organizations, or other resources.
Teacher Prompt: The teacher prompts students to decide how they would like to create and share their story about their chosen concept with others in the class. The teacher also asks the students to make connections to a career or to a discipline such as the arts (visual or media arts or dance).
Student and Teacher Discussion: For the student who was unsure of how to create and share their story, the teacher and student work together to identify an approach that uses the student’s strengths and highlights the relevance of the concept they have chosen (e.g., telling their story through a musical composition or a visual display).
Teacher Reflection [connect the intent of the curriculum and various global perspectives]: The teacher reflects on how stories of geometric concepts were represented by various cultures demonstrates their significant contributions to mathematics. The teacher thinks about including the stories of various cultures in their teaching so that students come to understand and appreciate mathematics as a human story.
Developing Critical and Creative Mathematical Thinking
Scenario [supporting students who are working in pairs in developing an appreciation of other perspectives]: Students are given the task of creating a table of values, a graph, and an algebraic expression to represent a linear relation.
Students’ Actions: One student chooses to start with creating a graph to represent their relation. Another student chooses to start with creating a table of values.

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