Page 66 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 66

difference is part of the process and the challenge.
Teacher Reflection [consider strategies for uplifting students and impact of this]: The teacher thinks about aspects of what this student did that could be helpful to other students. After inquiring whether this student is willing to share their successes, the teacher can proceed to highlight for the class effective strategies that this student employed. This might then further improve this student’s experience with coding as well as their confidence. The teacher can subsequently reflect on how these interactions were helpful for this student as well as for their peers and imagine ways the experience could have been improved.
Building Healthy Relationships and Communicating Effectively in Mathematics
Scenario [supporting individual students within a group setting]: The teacher is presenting a mathematical modelling task that students are to complete in a small group.
Students’ Initial Reaction: Some students express discomfort with working in a small group.
Teacher Prompt: The teacher checks in with these students to find out what makes them feel uncomfortable about working in a group. The students indicate that the lack of structure and accountability in group discussions and settings bothers them and makes them nervous about completing the task. Students may need support to describe what makes them uncomfortable.
Whole-Class Discussion: The teacher facilitates a discussion with the class to co-create working agreements that include guidelines and practices that are important to them in order to collaborate effectively as a group – providing brief examples of effective strategies that they already have seen from the students. Guidelines and practices could include listening attentively to each other’s ideas; having one person at a time share their idea; ensuring that all ideas are respected and valued; deciding as a group which ideas for solving the task they will explore further. Students describe what these co- constructed agreements may look and sound like; for example, listening to ideas before commenting, or asking probing questions to clarify. The teacher records the agreements and posts them in the classroom as a reference for all group tasks.
Small-Group Discussion: The students begin working in small groups to complete the mathematical modelling task. The teacher visits each of the groups to monitor whether discussions are following the working agreements that were set by the class. The teacher checks in privately with the students who had expressed discomfort in group settings to see how they are feeling and identifies whether additional supports are needed in order for the students to be able to interact meaningfully with the group discussion. The teacher facilitates the discussion with each group by posing questions about the mathematical modelling task and supports students in using the guidelines that have been set.
Teacher Reflection [inform future action]: The teacher considers how these students responded to the discussion, and how future activities can be structured with a positive experience for these students in

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