Page 59 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 59

Requirements for Strand AA and Strand A
Strand AA: Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics. Learning related to the expectation in Strand AA occurs in the context of learning related to the other six strands. The focus is on intentional instruction; learning in this strand is not included in the assessment, evaluation, or reporting of student achievement.
Strand A: Mathematical Thinking and Making Connections. Strand A has no specific expectations. Students’ learning related to this strand takes place in the context of learning related to strands B through F. Student achievement of the expectations in Strand A is to be assessed and evaluated throughout the course.
Criteria and Descriptors for Grade 9 Mathematics
To guide teachers in their assessment and evaluation of student learning, the achievement chart provides “criteria” and “descriptors” within each of the four categories of knowledge and skills.
A set of criteria is identified for each category in the achievement chart. The criteria are subsets of the knowledge and skills that define the category. The criteria identify the aspects of student performance that are assessed and/or evaluated, and they serve as a guide to what teachers look for. In the mathematics curriculum, the criteria for each category are as follows:
Knowledge and Understanding
• knowledge of content (e.g., terminology, procedural skills, mathematical models)
• understanding of content (e.g., concepts, principles, mathematical structures and processes)
• use of planning skills (e.g., understanding the problem; generating ideas; formulating a plan of action; selecting strategies, models, and tools; making conjectures and hypotheses)
• use of processing skills (e.g., carrying out a plan: collecting data, questioning, testing, revising, modelling, solving, inferring, forming conclusions; looking back at a solution: evaluating reasonableness, making arguments in support of a solution, reasoning, justifying, proving, reflecting)
• use of critical/creative thinking processes (e.g., posing and solving problems, critiquing solutions, using mathematical reasoning, evaluating mathematical models, making inferences and testing conjectures and hypotheses)

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