Page 41 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 41

feedback and formative assessment throughout the learning process and concludes with a clear
summary of the learning that can be provided in written form, orally, and/or visually.
• Problem-Solving Tasks and Experiences. It is an effective practice to use a problem, intentionally
selected or created by the teacher or students, to introduce, clarify, or apply a concept or skill. This practice provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their agency by representing, connecting, and justifying their thinking. Students communicate and reason with one another and generate ideas that the teacher connects in order to highlight important concepts, refine existing understanding, eliminate unsuitable strategies, and advance learning.
• Teaching about Problem Solving. Teaching students about the process of problem solving makes explicit the critical thinking that problem solving requires. It involves teaching students to identify what is known and unknown, to draw on similarities and differences between various types of problems, and to use representations to model the problem-solving situation.
• Tools and Representations. The use of a variety of appropriate tools and representations supports a conceptual understanding of mathematics. Carefully chosen and used effectively, representations and tools such as manipulatives make math concepts accessible to a wide range of learners. At the same time, student interactions with representations and tools also give teachers insight into students’ thinking and learning.
• Math Conversations. Effective mathematical conversations create opportunities for all students to express their mathematical thoughts and to engage meaningfully in mathematical talk by listening to and responding to the ideas of others. These conversations involve reasoning, proving, building on the thinking of others, defending and justifying their own thinking, and adjusting their perspectives as they build their mathematical understanding, confidence,
and awareness of the mathematical thoughts of others.
• Small-Group Instruction. A powerful strategy for moving student learning forward, small-group
instruction involves targeted, timely, and scaffolded mathematics instruction that meets the learning needs of specific students at appropriate times. By working with small and flexible groups, whether they are homogenous or heterogenous, teachers can personalize learning in order to close gaps that exist or extend thinking. Small-group instruction also provides opportunities for teachers to connect with and learn more about student identities, experiences, and communities, which the teachers can build on as a basis for their mathematics instruction.
• Deliberate Practice. Practice is best when it is purposeful and spaced over time. It must always follow understanding and should be continual and consistent. Teachers provide students with timely descriptive feedback to ensure that students know they are practising correctly and sufficiently. Students also need to practise metacognition, or reflecting on their learning, in order to become self-directed learners.
• Flexible Groupings. The intentional combination of large-group, small-group, partnered, and independent working arrangements, in response to student and class learning needs, can foster a rich mathematical learning environment. Creating flexible groupings in a mathematics class enables students to work independently of the teacher but with the support of their peers, and it strengthens collaboration and communication skills. Regardless of the size of the group, it is of utmost importance that individual students have ownership of their learning.

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