Page 37 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 37

also make connections between the mathematics they are learning and their lived experiences, various knowledge systems, and real-life applications, including employment and careers.
Strand B: Number
In this strand, students continue to make connections among various number systems, the cultural development of number concepts, and real-life applications. They will extend their learning about positive fractions, positive decimal numbers, and integers to work with negative fractions and negative decimal numbers. Students also extend their knowledge and skills related to percentages, ratios, rates, and proportions to make further connections to real life.
Strand C: Algebra
In this strand, students continue to develop an understanding of algebra by making connections between algebra and numbers as they generalize relationships with algebraic expressions and equations. Students will extend and apply coding skills to dynamically represent situations, analyse mathematics concepts, and solve problems in various contexts. Students will be introduced to various representations of linear and non-linear relations that they will study in more depth in future secondary mathematics courses. Students develop an understanding of constant rate of change and initial values of linear relations, and solve related real-life problems.
Strand D: Data
In this strand, students extend their data literacy skills to examine the collection, representation, and use of data, as well as their implications in various contexts. Students consolidate and extend their understanding of data involving one and two variables and its connections to real life. Using data, students continue to apply the process of mathematical modelling to analyse real-life situations.
Strand E: Geometry and Measurement
In this strand, students make connections among various geometric properties and their real-life applications. Students analyse and create designs to extend their understanding of geometric relationships to include circle and triangle properties. Students solve problems using different units within and between various measurement systems, examine the relationships between the volume of cones and cylinders and of pyramids and prisms, and solve problems that involve the application of perimeter, area, surface area, and volume.
Strand F: Financial Literacy
In this strand, students analyse financial situations to explain how mathematics can be used to understand such situations and inform financial decisions. They extend their financial literacy knowledge

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