Page 205 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 205

Pseudocode does not represent a specific programming language. It can be adapted to work with a variety of programming languages and/or environments.
F1.3 Financial Decisions
compare the effects that different interest rates, lengths of borrowing time, ways in which interest is calculated, and amounts of down payments have on the overall costs associated with purchasing goods or services, using appropriate tools
Teacher supports
• ways in which interest is calculated: o simple interest
o compound interest
o different compounding periods, such as weekly, monthly, biannually, or annually • tools:
o spreadsheets
o graphing tools
o coding
o online financial calculators
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• facilitate a class discussion, using authentic and accessible contexts, about how changing different variables might affect overall costs of a purchase, then have students complete a numerical analysis;
• incorporate contexts from previous grades such as loans, credit cards, or lines of credit;
• create opportunities for students to engage in estimation and make conjectures before
calculating the actual values, then have them compare their estimations with the results and
reflect on the reasons for any differences;
• support students in using available technology and coding tools to examine how changing one
variable might affect overall costs so that the focus of the learning can be on the effects of changing variables rather than on making complex calculations.

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