Page 203 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 203

o At what point has the value of the item dropped to half the original value or increased to double the original value?
o What might have caused the change in value at a given time and how might this affect the people involved?
o How does the depreciation or appreciation of [a given item] compare to the depreciation or appreciation of [another given item]?
• Why do you think a business or non-profit organization has to take into account the depreciation of its assets when it does year-end accounting?
Sample Tasks
1. Have students brainstorm examples of assets that appreciate or depreciate, including those that might experience a short-term appreciation due to a current trend (e.g., trading cards, trends started on social media). Show students graphs or provide them with data to graph depicting the appreciation and depreciation of assets identified during the brainstorming session and have them identify what they notice and what questions they might still have about each of the graphs.
2. Show students a graph comparing the depreciation of two different vehicles, such as the graph below.
          Ask students:
• What variables are represented on each of the axes?
• Why might one vehicle depreciate at a different rate than the other? 202

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