Page 179 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 179

Sample Tasks
4. Have students brainstorm possible geometric concepts or measurement systems that they could research. Ask them to choose a concept or system of interest from the list and gather information about its socio-historic development in a culture of their choice. Also ask them to describe how their concept or system is used today and identify its connections to careers and other disciplines. Once students have gathered their information, have them decide how they would like to tell the story of the development of the concept or system to the class.
5. Have students collaborate to create a conversion chart showing the relationship between the different units of measurement that they have investigated.
6. Have students collaborate to create a collection of images that demonstrate and tell the story of different ways that geometric concepts have been used across many different cultures over time.
E1.2 Geometric and Measurement Relationships
create and analyse designs involving geometric relationships and circle and triangle properties, using various tools
Teacher supports
• geometric relationships involving:
o parallel and intersecting lines:
▪ corresponding angles ▪ alternate angles
▪ co-interior angles
▪ opposite angles
▪ supplementary angles
▪ complementary angles o polygons:
▪ sum of the interior angles ▪ sum of the exterior angles

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