Page 178 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 178

equivalent to 4 inches (10.16 cm). Today a horse’s height is still referred to in terms of hands.
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• on an ongoing basis, both formally and informally, encourage students to bring into the classroom real-life stories they have gathered about mathematical concepts, in order to enhance their understanding of these concepts and make connections between them;
• build an authentic and inclusive learning environment where students are encouraged to learn about the diversity of knowledge systems from around the world, including Indigenous ways of knowing.
Students can seek out real-life stories through conversations with people in their families or communities, or through print and digital resources. They may need guidance on seeking information about new perspectives on mathematics. The aspect of student choice in this expectation may also involve the teacher taking the stance of a co-learner as they support students in exploring stories of various cultures.
Teacher Prompts
• Why is the geometric concept or measurement system you chose of interest to you or relevant to you?
• What do you find most interesting about your story?
• What challenges did you face while researching this concept or system?
• Describe some ways you can connect the concept or system you researched to your own learning,
careers that you know about, or your daily life.
• What do you think connects the different stories you heard in class and the mathematical
concepts you have encountered?
• What are some similarities and differences between your story and concepts or systems
researched by your peers?
• Describe any connections you notice between the geometric concept or measurement system
you chose and the natural world.

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