Page 129 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 129

• use reading and altering code as a starting point for supporting students in coding, perhaps progressing to students writing their own code later on;
• use reading and altering code as tools to enhance students’ mathematical learning;
• choose a coding language that students are familiar with from prior experience or connect a new
coding language to one they are already familiar with;
• acknowledge, and encourage the sharing of, the different knowledge and experiences that
students bring to coding.
The learning in C2.1, C2.2, and C2.3 is interconnected, and this should be reflected during instruction.
Teacher Prompts
• What strategies do you use when reading code to determine its outcome?
• What happens to each variable as the code is executed? Is this the result you expected? If not,
why not?
• When altering this code, what will you keep the same, and what will need to change?
• If we complete some of the steps in a given code in a different order, will we get a different
Sample Tasks
1. Provide students with sample code, pseudocode, or a flow chart, and ask them to predict the outcomes. For example, provide them with the flow chart and pseudocode below to answer the following problem: What is the amount of empty space in the cylinder that is not occupied by the cone?

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