Page 116 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 116

Sample Tasks
1. Provide students with a set of algebraic expressions on cards. Have them compare the expressions using a method of their choice and then group cards with equivalent expressions. Ask them to create additional expressions for each group, explaining why each expression belongs in that group.
2. Have students generate different algebraic expressions for the same visual pattern and then compare the expressions to see if they are equivalent. Start with a visual representation that allows students to notice the relationship in multiple ways. For example: Generate an expression to determine how many tiles are in the border of an n by n version of the layout below. How does your expression connect to the way you understand the pattern? How are the various expressions the class generated similar, and how are they different?
 3. Have students compare different versions of formulas that are used in geometry and measurement, such as formulas for the perimeter of a rectangle or for the area of a trapezoid. For example: Are the following formulas for the area of a trapezoid equivalent?
• A=h(a+b) 2
• A=h(a+b) 2
• A=1h(a+b) 2
4. Provide students with a collection of algebra tiles. Ask them to write three different equivalent expressions for the collection of tiles and justify how they know that they are equivalent. For example, the collection might look like this:

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