Page 102 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 102

B3.5 Applications
pose and solve problems involving rates, percentages, and proportions in various contexts, including contexts connected to real-life applications of data, measurement, geometry, linear relations, and financial literacy
Teacher supports
• various contexts:
o determining missing lengths in similar triangles:
o exploring the golden ratio in nature o flow rates:
▪ e.g., determining when the water level of a river will drop to 0.28 m from 1.08 m if it is receding at a rate of 0.05 m/day
o probability:
▪ e.g., calculating the probability of two independent events: rolling a 4 on a die and
getting tails when flipping a coin o measurement:
▪ e.g., comparing the changes in the surface area and volume of a box if one dimension (e.g., the height) increases or decreases
o making purchases:
▪ e.g., prices involving a discount and sales tax ▪ e.g., comparing costs by calculating unit rates

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