Page 100 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 100

B3.4 Applications
solve problems involving operations with positive and negative fractions and mixed numbers, including problems involving formulas, measurements, and linear relations, using technology when appropriate
Teacher supports
• operations with positive and negative fractions and mixed numbers: o addition and subtraction with:
▪ like denominators
▪ unlike denominators with a common divisor ▪ unlike denominators
o multiplication:
▪ where the numerator of one term is the denominator of the other ▪ with any denominator
o division:
▪ by a unit fraction with a like denominator ▪ by a denominator with a common divisor ▪ by any denominator
o powers of fractions
▪ with whole number exponents
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• emphasize that the same reasoning that is applied to deciding whether the sum, difference, product, or quotient of a pair of integers is positive or negative can also be applied to all operations on rational numbers;
• pose problems from various contexts to support students in developing number sense;
• encourage students to incorporate various representations in their reasoning about problems and
• create opportunities for students to form mental representations and use mental mathematics in
order to develop procedural fluency;
• support students in making sense of the reasoning behind procedures involving operations with
• support students in developing their estimation skills and recognizing benchmark numbers
through performing collaborative learning tasks.

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