Page 22 - Interdisciplinary Studies 11-12 (2002)
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 economic structures, and education systems. Students will analyse primary and secondary sources of information about past civilizations and will examine how humans have created, organized, stored, and communicated information to further knowledge and beliefs. To develop their understanding of the evolution of the human response to changes in informa- tion systems and technologies, students will complete interdisciplinary research and then pre- sent their findings in a variety of forms.
Knowledge Management and the Learning Organization, Grade 12, University Preparation
Credit value: 3
This package of courses consists of the expectations for Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 12, University Preparation, as well as all the expectations from the following two component courses: Organizational Studies: Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, Grade 12, University/College Preparation; Challenge and Change in Society, Grade 12, University/ College Preparation.
This package of courses focuses on management’s role in helping staff learn effective ways
of solving problems and making decisions, and emphasizes how managing information well and networking promote organizational learning, growth, and the ability to adapt to change. Students will examine and apply interdisciplinary strategies that business organizations use to process a wide range of information, store corporate data, share knowledge within an organization, and evaluate the impact of business decisions and innovations.
Mathematical Modelling and Applied Programming, Grade 12, University Preparation
Credit value: 3
This package of courses consists of the expectations for Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 12, University Preparation, as well as all the expectations from the following two component courses: Mathematics of Data Management, Grade 12, University Preparation; Computer and Information Science, Grade 12, University/College Preparation.
This package of courses will help students extend the methods of the mathematics of data management to computer programming. Students will learn to design efficient algorithms and apply them to write computer programs to solve a variety of real-life problems. They will research and apply the relationships between mathematics and computer programming to explore, in creative, interdisciplinary ways, problems in computer application design, information systems design, and transportation and scheduling problems.
Arts Administration, Grade 12, Open
Credit value: 3
This package of courses consists of the expectations for Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 12, Open, as well as all the expectations from the following two component courses: Exploring the Arts, Grade 12, Open; Organizational Studies: Managing a Small Business, Grade 12, Workplace Preparation.
This package of courses explores the relationship between the arts and business. Using diverse resources and research methods, students will examine how the arts are promoted in contem- porary society and apply that knowledge to develop an interdisciplinary project involving one or more of the arts disciplines aimed at a specific target audience. They will also link artistic endeavours and business management structures effectively, demonstrating a range of creative decision-making and problem-solving strategies.

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