Page 20 - Interdisciplinary Studies 11-12 (2002)
P. 20

 Hospitality Management, Grade 11, Open
Credit value: 3
This package of courses consists of the expectations for Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open, as well as all the expectations from the following two component courses: Introduction to Marketing, Grade 11, College Preparation; Hospitality, Grade 11, College Preparation.
This package of courses will help students gain some of the skills, knowledge, and practical experience required for success in the hospitality and tourism industry. Students will examine the relationships among marketing, the local economy, and the hospitality-tourism industry, conduct interdisciplinary research into successful and unsuccessful hospitality or tourism ven- tures, and analyse the effects of quality improvement and its financial impact on a tourism organization. An integral part of the course will be work experience in local hospitality and tourism venues.
Local Field Studies and Community Links, Grade 11, Open
Credit value: 4
This package of courses consists of the expectations for Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open, as well as all the expectations from the following three component courses: Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 11, Open (Outdoor Focus); The Environment and Resource Management, Grade 12, University/College Preparation; Field Ecology, Grade 11, Univer- sity/College Preparation (locally developed course for which ministry approval has already been obtained).
This package of courses will develop students’ interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in the areas of ecological fieldwork, data gathering, leadership, citizenship, and outdoor living. Through hands-on field studies, research activities, extended field trips, and projects with a community partner, students will plan, organize, and implement a community-based environ- mental project that focuses on issues such as endangered species, biodiversity, sustainability, and environmental ethics. They will also help run a residential environmental education camp for elementary students.
Small Business Operations, Grade 11, Open
Credit value: 2
This package of courses consists of the expectations for Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open, as well as all the expectations from the following two component courses: Technological Design, Part 1, Grade 11,Workplace Preparation (half credit); The Enterprising Person, Part 1, Grade 11, Open (half credit). (See the policy on half-credit courses in packages of courses described on page 7 and the general policy on half-credit courses on pages 8 and 9.)
This package of courses will give students the opportunity to apply entrepreneurial and design skills either to school-community projects or to potential working ventures. Students will analyse the specific needs of an identified market, research examples of successful and unsuc- cessful small businesses, use systems thinking approaches to design prototypes, and develop proposals for new ventures. Students will also examine their strengths and skills for current and future employment in small business operations.

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