Page 14 - Interdisciplinary Studies 11-12 (2002)
P. 14

Information Management for Successful Living, Grade 11, Open
Credit value: 1
This course combines the expectations for Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open with selected expectations from two or more other courses (e.g., Civics, Grade 10, Open; English, Grade 11,Workplace Preparation; Career Studies, Grade 10, Open; Mathematics for Everyday Life, Grade 11,Workplace Preparation).
This course will help students develop the necessary critical- and creative-thinking skills to maximize their learning opportunities in school and in the workplace. Students will examine how knowledge is structured, developed, managed, and communicated in different disciplines and fields; investigate their rights and responsibilities related to using information as citizens in a democratic society; and analyse their mental habits and skills in using information. Practical projects will focus on how to research and communicate results in real-life situations.
Introduction to Information Studies, Grade 11, Open
Credit value: 1
This course combines the expectations for Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open with selected expectations from two or more other courses (e.g., Media Studies, Grade 11, Open; World History to the Sixteenth Century, Grade 11, University/College Preparation; Twentieth- Century History: Global and Regional Perspectives, Grade 11, Open; Philosophy: The Big Questions, Grade 11, Open; Computer and Information Science, Grade 11, University/ College Preparation).
This course examines the evolution and impact of information and information technologies on society, from the beginnings of writing to the development of the World Wide Web. Stu- dents will apply methods of inquiry and research used in different disciplines to investigate how knowledge and learning have been valued in different cultures and periods. They will also reflect on diverse ways of knowing and on areas of knowledge, examine the growth of knowledge institutions such as universities and libraries, and develop an understanding of the human need to create personal meaning, to use information to solve problems, and to com- municate knowledge, scholarship, and values in a global society.
Sports and Society, Grade 11, Open
Credit value: 1
This course combines the expectations for Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open with selected expectations from two or more other courses (e.g., Dance, Grade 11, Open; Introduction to Business, Grade 10, Open; English, Grade 11, University, College, or Workplace Preparation; Healthy Active Living Education, Grade 11, Open).
This course explores the role of sports and athletics in history and in various cultures. Using diverse resources and research methods, students will analyse the depiction of sports and health in media and literature and will examine trends in the business and communication of sports- related activities. They will also explore the importance of personal fitness and healthy living, the relationship between amateur and professional sports, and local and provincial opportunities and careers in sports, outdoor education, and physical activity.

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