Page 12 - Interdisciplinary Studies 11-12 (2002)
P. 12

 Two sets of expectations are listed for each strand, or broad curriculum area, of each course. The overall expectations describe in general terms the knowledge and skills that students are expected to demonstrate by the end of each course. The specific expectations describe the expected knowledge and skills in greater detail. The specific expectations are organized under subheadings that reflect particular aspects of the required knowledge and skills and that may serve as a guide for teachers as they plan learning activities for their students. The organization of expectations in strands and subgroupings is not meant to imply that the expectations in any one strand or group are achieved independently of the expectations in the other strands or groups.
Many of the expectations are accompanied by examples, given in parentheses. These examples are meant to illustrate the kind of skill, the specific area of learning, the depth of learning, and/or the level of complexity that the expectation entails. They are intended as a guide for teachers rather than as an exhaustive or mandatory list.
A few generic expectations are repeated in courses for different grades when the same knowl- edge and/or skills are important in each course. However, the course content, instructional strategies, and assessment procedures should be designed to meet the grade-level expectations for the interdisciplinary studies course.
The overall and specific expectations in interdisciplinary studies are organized in three distinct but related strands:
• TheoryandFoundation.Toestablishlinksamongdisciplinesthatwillextendtheirknowl- edge and ability to solve problems beyond the scope of the individual disciplines, students must investigate the skills, knowledge, and structures of those disciplines, as well as founda- tional skills and knowledge about the methods and approaches of interdisciplinary studies. By examining interdisciplinary theories, perspectives, and applications, students can develop essential skills and understanding that will help them collaborate and communicate effec- tively, plan real-life tasks and products, and achieve a deeper understanding of issues.
• ProcessesandMethodsofResearch.Astheirunderstandingoftheapproachesofinterdisci- plinary studies develops, students are increasingly able to compare and apply a variety of inquiry/research processes and technologies to identify questions to be answered, solve problems, synthesize findings, and generate new ideas. They learn to develop systematic research skills, focusing on the analysis and synthesis of the information they find in a wide range of resources.
• Implementation,Evaluation,Impacts,andConsequences.Astheirabilitytoanalyseissues and synthesize diverse kinds of information develops, students are better able to evaluate their research findings. They learn to work both collaboratively and independently on real-life tasks to produce innovative interdisciplinary products. Students can investigate the impact of interdisciplinary studies on their personal development and career opportunities and apply strategies related to different disciplines to solve problems and to discover new relationships and possibilities.

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