Page 120 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 120

 Grade 10, Open
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Health and Physical Education
Teacher prompt: “Recreational activities such as in-line skating, skateboarding, ice-skating, and sit-skiing have similar components. All of them, for example, require having balance, as well as gliding and stopping skills. Some of the safety guidelines are similar too. We should prepare for these activities by doing warm-ups, and we should wear the proper protective equipment. What other factors should be considered when engaging in
these activities?”
Student: “All of these activities require sharing space or facilities with others, so all of them have rules of etiquette to ensure that these spaces are shared safely and with respect for others. When skateboarding or in-line skating on bike paths and trails, be aware of others around you so that everyone can share the space safely; skate or board in single file on the right side of bike paths and trails, and when passing pedestrians, slow down, warn them you are going to pass, and tell them what side you are passing on. In recreational ice-skating, skate near the boards around the rink if you’re a beginner. More experienced skaters should give beginners lots of space. Always skate in the same direction as
other skaters.”
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Teacher prompt: “Many activities require some kind of equipment, but the equipment you normally use may not always be available. Can you give me some examples of how you can improvise or adapt to make up for a lack of equipment?”
Students: “We could use a piece of sports equipment when doing fitness activities. For example, if we didn’t have a weighted bar to use while doing waist twists for flexibility, we could hold a hockey stick behind our shoulders instead.” “Someone in a wheelchair could hold a ringette stick in one hand and do side bends, gradually extending the stick farther away from their body and wheelchair.” “When working on upper arm strength, we could perform dips using a bench if we didn’t have access to a weight machine.”
B2.2 apply analytical and problem-solving skills to identify and implement tactical solutions that will increase their chances of success as they participate in a variety of physical activities (e.g., individual activities: pace themselves to conserve energy during an endurance run; choose a course suited to their experience or fitness level when orienteering; target activities: set up deflections from objects in the area of play to get around obstacles and get closer to the target; net/wall activities: maintain a ready position in order to be prepared to move in any direction to play the ball or shuttle when receiving a serve or when in transition between offence and defence; striking/fielding activities: if playing the outfield, shift to cover the area that the batter is most likely to hit to; communicate with teammates about when to run; territory activities: pay attention to game play in order to be ready to respond and change quickly from offence to defence) [PS, IS, CT]
Teacher prompt: “What are some effective ways to maintain possession when playing ultimate disc?”
Student: “Use short passes and move quickly to get into position. Be aware of your teammates’ positions so that you can support them by being ready to receive a return pass. Be aware of where the defenders are, so you can avoid them.”
Teacher: “What other types of activities could you apply these ideas to?”
Student: “These are also good things to do in other territory games, such as soccer, wheelchair basketball, speedball, rugby, field hockey, and broomball.”
B2.3 demonstrate an understanding, through participation and discovery, of how developing their ability to apply movement skills, concepts, and strategies in various physical activities affects their competence, confidence, and desire to participate in these and other physical activities [PS, CT]

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