Page 42 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 42

  Learning Skills
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• evaluate learning skills and strategies that contribute to success in various settings;
• apply appropriate literacy and numeracy skills and strategies to support learning and planning for postsecondary choices;
• analysetheirlearningskillsandstylestodeterminetheirlearningstrengthsandneeds,and develop strategies to maximize their learning while in secondary school and throughout their lives.
Specific Expectations
Learning and Thinking Strategies
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify and apply appropriate strategies for improving concentration and minimiz- ing internal and external distractions;
– demonstrate effective use of the inquiry/research process and problem solving in a variety of learning situations;
– describe and make effective use of mem- ory strategies to support learning;
– demonstrate the ability to adapt their study techniques and test-taking strategies to suit different subjects and testing formats (e.g., essay, multiple choice, open book, oral).
Literacy and Numeracy Skills and Strategies
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify and apply appropriate reading skills and strategies (e.g., referring to head- ings and subheadings for content clues, using pictures and charts to help in under- standing content, asking questions) to acquire and evaluate information from a variety of written materials;
– apply a variety of skills and strategies
(e.g., brainstorming, use of mind maps
and charts, note taking) to improve their writing for various audiences and purposes (e.g., writing reports, completing job applications, preparing personal résumés);
– identify and apply oral communication skills and strategies to improve interactions with others (e.g., participating in class discussions, conducting interviews, requesting assistance, asking for informa- tion) in school, the community, and the workplace;
– identify and apply appropriate numeracy skills and strategies (e.g., calculating, inter- preting data, budgeting) to meet academic and career-planning requirements.
Planning for Learning
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify and analyse learning styles (e.g., auditory, visual, kinesthetic) to determine how they learn best;
– list positive and negative personal factors that affect learning in secondary school (e.g., motivation, values, attitude), and identify strategies to maximize their learn- ing (e.g., connecting rewards to achieving goals, connecting learning to personal goals, engaging in practical learning experiences, using peer support);
– identify difficulties they have experienced in educational settings (e.g., completing projects, tests, essays; working in groups; making oral presentations) and explain how they could improve in these areas;

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