Page 40 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 40

  Exploration of Opportunities
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• describe,onthebasisofresearch,therangeofleadershipandpeersupportopportunitiesin the school and the community, and identify those to which they are most suited;
• demonstrate the ability to design and implement a plan or program that addresses needs identified in the school or the community;
• identify a range of careers and postsecondary options requiring skills in leadership and peer support.
Specific Expectations
Accessing Options
By the end of this course, students will:
– produce a comprehensive list of the leader- ship and peer support opportunities avail- able in their school and community, using print, electronic, and human resources;
– analyse selected leadership or peer support roles (e.g., tutor, student host, team captain, student council member) in terms of responsibilities of the role, skills required, time commitments, and benefits and challenges;
– evaluate their own suitability for a selected leadership or peer support role and pro- vide a rationale for their choice of role.
Developing a Plan
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify an opportunity within the school or community (e.g., orientation for new students to the school, career fair, school arts showcase, community agency fair, social justice event, fund-raising events) where they can take a leadership and/or support role;
– design and present a plan to address a need identified within the school or community where they can make a positive contribution;
– use appropriate software in accessing and managing information and producing
materials appropriate to their plan (e.g., advertising brochure, posters, orientation day agenda);
– design an evaluation tool (e.g., survey, feedback form) to assess the plan or program that they have developed.
Exploring Careers
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify occupations or fields of work that require skills in leadership and peer support;
– investigate postsecondary programs and learning options for careers requiring skills in leadership and peer support, using a variety of resources (e.g., course calendars, informational interviews, guest speakers, Internet websites), and identify those to which they are most suited;
– explain the relationships among personal experiences, lifelong learning, and career development.

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