Page 17 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 17

 Achievement Chart – Guidance and Career Education, Grades 9–12
50–59% (Level 1)
60–69% (Level 2)
70–79% (Level 3)
80–100% (Level 4)
  Knowledge and Understanding Subject-specific content acquired in each course (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding) The student:
 – demonstrates considerable knowl- edge of content
– demonstrates considerable under- standing of content
– uses planning skills with considerable effectiveness
– uses processing skills with considerable effectiveness
– uses critical/creative thinking processes with considerable effectiveness
– expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness
Knowledge of content (e.g., terminology, vocabulary, information)
Understanding of content (e.g., theories, concepts, skills, processes)
– demonstrates limited knowledge of content
– demonstrates limited understanding of content
– demonstrates some knowledge of content
– demonstrates some understanding of content
– demonstrates thorough knowledge of content
– demonstrates thorough understand- ing of content
– uses planning skills with a high degree of effectiveness
– uses processing skills with a high degree
of effectiveness
– uses critical/creative thinking processes with a high degree of effectiveness
– expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness
 Thinking The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes The student:
 Use of planning skills (e.g., focusing research, identifying a problem, locating and gathering information, organizing an inquiry)
Use of processing skills (e.g., analysing, reflect- ing, integrating, synthe- sizing, evaluating, form- ing conclusions)
Use of critical/creative thinking processes (e.g., reading process, inquiry, decision making, research, problem solving)
– uses planning skills with limited effectiveness
– uses processing skills with limited effectiveness
– uses critical/creative thinking processes with limited effectiveness
– uses planning skills with some effectiveness
– uses processing skills with some effectiveness
– uses critical/ creative thinking processes with some effectiveness
 Communication The conveying of meaning through various forms The student:
 Expression and organi- zation of ideas and information (e.g., clarity of expression, logical organization) in oral, visual, and written forms (e.g., interviews, presentations, port- folios, graphic organi- zers, posters, letters, résumés, personal pro- files, charts, reports, summaries)
– expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness
– expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness

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