Page 7 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 7

Strand C. Planning and Financial Management to Help Meet Postsecondary Goals
In this strand, students apply information gathered throughout the course to set a goal
(or goals) for their first year after secondary school. They develop an initial plan for fulfilling their goal(s), and then consolidate their discoveries and learning by preparing various materials related to applying for a job, internship, apprenticeship, scholarship, education or training program, or other next step of their choice. Learning in this strand develops students’ financial literacy, teaching them about the importance of responsible management of financial resources. Among other things, they learn about the different forms of saving and borrowing and the risks and benefits associated with each as they create a budget for their first year after secondary school.
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