Page 6 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
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pathway options, students will also learn about the skills, strategies, and resources that can help them adapt to change and challenges and become lifelong learners.
Elements of the Career Studies Course
Curriculum Expectations and Supporting Elements
Mandatory learning is described in the overall and specific expectations of each strand. The overall expectations describe in general terms the skills and knowledge that students are expected to demonstrate by the end of each course. The specific expectations describe the expected skills and knowledge in greater detail.
Supporting elements – examples, teacher prompts, and instructional tips – are included for many of the specific expectations. These are offered strictly as illustrations for teachers. They do not represent mandatory learning, and they are not meant to be exhaustive. The examples are meant to clarify the requirement specified in the expectation, illustrating the kind of skill or knowledge, the specific area of learning, the depth of learning, and/or the level of complexity that the expectation entails. The “teacher prompts” are sample guiding questions that can lead to discussion and promote deeper understanding, and the “instructional tips” are intended to support educators in delivering instruction related to the knowledge and skills set out in the expectations.
The expectations for this course are organized into three distinct but related strands. Strand A, which focuses on developing the skills and habits students need for success in planning and in meeting their goals, must not be seen as independent of the other strands: Instruction and learning related to the expectations in strand A are to be interwoven with instruction and learning related to expectations in strands B and C, and students’ achievement of the expectations in strand A must be assessed and evaluated throughout the course.
Strand A. Developing the Skills, Strategies, and Habits Needed to Succeed
This strand outlines student learning about the skills, strategies, and habits that will contribute to long-term individual success and well-being. Students will develop decision-making strategies and apply them throughout the course. They will also focus on skills and strategies that support adaptability and resilience.
Strand B. Exploring and Preparing for the World of Work
Students explore the changing nature of work and the transferable skills they need to pursue work opportunities, with a focus on opportunities in key growth areas. They investigate how digital media use and a social media presence can influence their career/life opportunities. They assess and reflect on their own skills, values, and interests, developing a personal profile and taking it into account in their education and career/life planning, and they explore opportunities within their own communities and beyond.
6 CAREER STUDIES, 2019 | The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 10

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