Page 71 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 71

CHAPTER 6 | reporting student achievement
For students in Grades 1 to 8 whose achievement is reported as “R” on the provincial report card, and for students in Grades 9 to 12 whose achievement is recorded at below 50 per cent, teachers should describe specific remedial measures that are planned or strategies that have been developed to address the student’s specific learning needs and promote success in learning, as well as the kind of parental support that will be required. In such cases, teachers should contact the parents as soon as possible in order to consult with them and involve them in supporting the student.
Student and Parent Comments
Elementary Progress Report Card
A space is provided at the bottom of the second page of the Elementary Progress Report Cards for individual boards. In this space, boards may include notes or information from teacher-student-parent conferences; the student’s and/or the parent’s comments or reflections; and goals, next steps, and/or action plans. (See also p. 50 for information on the use of this space.)
Elementary Provincial Report Card
Spaces and comment stems are provided in a tear-off section on the third and fourth pages of the Elementary Provincial Report Cards for student and parent comments. The stems are as follows:
Student’s Comments
• My best work is:
• My goal for improvement is:
Parent’s/Guardian’s Comments
• My child has improved most in:
• I will help my child to:
Even if parents and students do not wish to comment on or discuss the report card, parents must sign the tear-off section and return it to the school to indicate that they have seen the report card. Parents should keep the other parts of the report card for their own records. Parents who wish to keep a copy of their child’s and/or their own comments should be provided with a copy of the tear-off section by the school.

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