Page 63 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 63

CHAPTER 6 | reporting student achievement
Code “R”, Marks Below 50 Per Cent, and Code “I”: See Chapter 5, pages 41–42, for a discussion of the use of:
• “R” in Grades 7 and 8;
• percentage marks below 50 per cent in Grades 9 to12;
• “I” in Grades 7 to 10.
Completing the Provincial Report Cards: Grades 1 to 8 – Subjects and Strands3
Fill in the letter grade/percentage mark for each of the four strands for language in the column headed Report 1 or Report 2, as appropriate.
Not Applicable (NA)
Check the “NA” box if the student is enrolled in an immersion French program and is not receiving any language instruction in English.
Fill in the letter grade/percentage mark for each strand that is part of the student’s instructional program in the column headed Report 1 or Report 2, as appropriate. If a particular strand is not part of the student’s program during that reporting period, indicate this in the comments and leave the grade/mark column blank.
Not Applicable (NA)
Check the “NA” box if the student does not receive any instruction in French.
Check the appropriate box to indicate the type of program the student is enrolled in.
Native Language
Indicate the Native language in the space provided (e.g., Ojibwa, Cree). Fill in the letter grade/ percentage mark for Native language in the column headed Report 1 or Report 2, as appropriate.
3. Information about reporting for Grades 7 and 8 is found both in this section and in the following section, “Completing the Provincial Report Cards: Grades 7 to 12”.

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