Page 61 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 61

CHAPTER 6 | reporting student achievement
Reporting on Students’ Development of Learning Skills and Work Habits: Elementary and Secondary
The Elementary Progress Report Card and the elementary and secondary provincial report cards provide a record of the learning skills and work habits demonstrated by students in the following six categories:
• Responsibility
• Organization
• Independent Work
• Collaboration
• Initiative
• Self-Regulation
To the extent possible, the evaluation of the learning skills and work habits, apart from any that may be included as part of a curriculum expectation, should not be considered in the determination of letter grades or percentage marks for subjects/courses (see Chapter 2).
In the Elementary Progress Report Cards and the Elementary Provincial Report Cards, the section for reporting on students’ development of the learning skills and work habits is placed ahead of the section for reporting on students’ achievement of the curriculum expectations. In the Provincial Report Card, Grades 9–12, there is a space for recording an evaluation for each of the learning skills and work habits for every course, following the spaces allotted for the percentage mark, course median, and credit earned.
The learning skills and work habits are demonstrated by students across all subjects and courses. Teachers will use the following letter symbols to report on students’ development of the six learning skills and work habits:
E – Excellent
G – Good
S – Satisfactory
N – Needs Improvement
For Grades 1 to 8, in most cases, the homeroom teacher will complete the learning skills and work habits section. In the space provided for anecdotal comments, the teacher will elaborate on the student’s demonstration of the skills and comment on “strengths” and “next steps for improvement”. Other teachers wishing to highlight some aspect of a student’s development of learning skills and work habits may comment in this space as well.

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