Page 58 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 58

GROWING SUCCESS | assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools
The version for non-semestered schools includes:
• the report for each of the first and second terms;
• the final report for the year.
The first two pages of all versions of the secondary report card list the student’s courses and his or her percentage marks for each course.
On the last two pages of the first report in semestered schools and of the first and second reports in non-semestered schools, information is provided for parents about learning skills and work habits; percentage marks and levels of achievement; ESL/ELD, IEP, FRENCH, and SHSM boxes; and the terms “I”, “W”, and “median”. There is also a tear-off section, to be returned to the student’s homeroom teacher, which is to include the student’s comments and the parents’ acknowledgement of receipt of the report card and/or a request to be contacted by the teacher to discuss their child’s report.
In the final report in both semestered and non-semestered schools, the third page is the “Completion of Requirements for Graduation” page, and information for parents (as described above) appears on the fourth page.
A space for the principal’s signature appears at the bottom of the first page of the first report card in semestered and non-semestered schools, and also of the second report card in non-semestered schools. In the final report card in both types of schools, the principal’s signature appears only on the third page, “Completion of Requirements for Graduation”. Reports must be signed by the principal or his or her representative (usually the vice-principal). A rubber stamp or facsimile of the signature must not be used.
The Provincial Report Card, Grades 9–12, shows a student’s achievement at specific points in the school year or semester. The first report in both semestered and non-semestered schools reflects student achievement of the overall curriculum expectations during the first reporting period, as well as development of the learning skills and work habits. When the second report is issued in
a non-semestered school, it will reflect achievement of the overall expectations and development of the learning skills and work habits up to the end of the second term. The final report in both semestered and non-semestered schools reflects achievement of the overall expectations for the course, as well as development of the learning skills and work habits. On the report cards for the second and/or final reporting periods, the achievement recorded on the previous report(s) is also shown, in order to provide parents with an overview of the student’s achievement in each course.
Schools offering both semestered and non-semestered courses will use the report card designed for non-semestered schools to report student achievement in both types of courses.

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