Page 57 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 57

CHAPTER 6 | reporting student achievement
There are two main versions of the Elementary Provincial Report Card:
• Grades 1 to 6
• Grades 7 and 8
There is also a version of each for the use of Catholic schools that includes a section called “Religious and Family Life Education”. All Catholic district school boards may organize the contents of this section to include a letter grade or percentage mark. However, the size and placement of this section may not be changed in any way.
All versions of the Elementary Provincial Report Card are designed to show a student’s achievement at two points in the school year. The first provincial report card will reflect the student’s achievement of curriculum expectations introduced and developed from September to January/February of the school year, as well as the student’s development of the learning skills and work habits during that period. The second provincial report card will reflect the student’s achievement of the curriculum expectations introduced or further developed from January/February to June of the school year, as well as the student’s development of the learning skills and work habits during that period. On the second report card, the achievement recorded on the first report card is also shown, to provide parents with an overview of the student’s achievement.
The provincial report card for Grades 1 to 6 provides information for parents about letter grades and levels of achievement, and the provincial report card for Grades 7 and 8 provides information about percentage marks and levels of achievement. Both reports provide information about ESL/ELD, IEP, and the codes “R”, “I”, and “NA”, and the report for Grades 7 and 8 provides information about the “median”. Both reports also include tear-off sections for the student’s comments, the parent’s comments, and the parent’s acknowledgement of receipt of the report card and/or a request to discuss the child’s report with the teacher. These sections are to be returned to the student’s teacher.
Reports must be signed by the principal or his or her representative (usually the vice-principal). A rubber stamp or facsimile of the signature must not be used.
There is one provincial report card for Grades 9 to 12 for both Catholic and public schools. There are two versions of this report card – one for semestered schools and one for non-semestered schools.
The version of the report card for semestered schools includes:
• the first report for a semester;
• the final report for a semester.

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