Page 157 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 157

   Ontario Skills Passport (OSP). A web-based resource that provides clear descriptions of “Essential Skills” and “work habits” that are important for work, learning, and life. The Essential Skills are used in virtually all occupations and are transferable from school to work, job to job, and sector to sector. The work habits are important for everyone in the workforce. The OSP is designed to help teachers and employers assess and record the demonstration of these skills and work habits by students and job seekers.
Ontario Student Record (OSR). An ongoing record for each student who enrols in a school operated by a school board or by the ministry. The OSR is established upon the student’s entry to school in Ontario and accompanies the student if the student moves to another school within the province.
Ontario Student Transcript (OST). An official record of the Ontario secondary school Grade 9 and 10 credit courses successfully completed by a student and of all Grade 11 and 12 credit courses completed or attempted by a student. The OST also includes confirmation of completion of other graduation requirements and requirements for specialized programs.
optional credit. A credit earned for successful completion of an optional course. Students must earn twelve optional credits in addition to the required eighteen compulsory credits to earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Students earn these credits by successfully completing courses selected from those listed as available in their school calendar.
Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP). A national large-scale assessment developed by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC). PCAP is administered every three years to assess the reading, mathematics, and science knowledge and skills of Grade 8 students.
pathways. Combinations of courses and learning experiences or programs leading to different postsecondary destinations. The five possible destinations are apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, and the workplace. All pathways are equally valid and are selected based on the strengths, interests, and future goals of each student.
peer assessment. Assessment of a student’s work or learning processes by classmates.
performance standards. Standards that describe student achievement of the curriculum expectations, in relation to designated criteria, at several levels or degrees of achievement. The performance standards in the Ontario curriculum are outlined in the achievement chart that appears in the elementary and secondary curriculum document for every subject or discipline. The achievement chart describes four levels of achievement for four categories of knowledge and skills. The provincial standard is level 3. (See also provincial standard.)
plagiarism. The use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another without attribution, in order to represent them as one’s own original work.

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