Page 156 - Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools. First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. 2010
P. 156

GROWING SUCCESS | assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools
   modifications. Changes made to the age-appropriate grade-level expectations for a subject or course in order to meet a student’s learning needs. For students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP), these changes could include: expectations from a different grade level; significant changes (increase or decrease) in the number and/or complexity of the learning expectations; and measurable and observable performance tasks. At the secondary level, a credit may or may not be granted for a course, depending on the extent to which the expectations in the course have been modified. Grade-level expectations may also be modified to support the needs of English language learners. At the secondary level, when modifications are made to support English language learning needs, the principal works collaboratively with the classroom teacher to determine the integrity of the credit.
observation. The ongoing process of watching, listening, and being attuned to students’ behaviour, emotional state, interests and abilities, patterns of development, and progress in learning in order to meet the needs of students and assess and evaluate their development and learning.
Ontario College of Teachers. A body established in 1997 to allow teachers to regulate and govern their own profession in the public interest. Teachers who want to work in publicly funded schools in Ontario must be certified to teach in the province and be members of the college.
Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB). A learning resource repository for Ontario teachers and students, managed by the Ministry of Education. The OERB offers thousands of online resources, from Kindergarten through Grade 12. It can be searched by key word and also by grade, subject/course, strand, and/or overall expectations.
Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC). The certificate of achievement awarded to students who leave school before earning the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, and who have earned a minimum of 14 credits (7 compulsory and 7 optional).
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The diploma awarded to students who have earned a minimum of 30 credits (18 compulsory and 12 optional) and who have also met the graduation requirements related to literacy and community involvement.
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC). A course available, at the principal’s discretion, to students who fail the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test or who meet other specified eligibility criteria. Mature students who have not yet attempted the test may enrol directly in the course. Students who pass this course are considered to have met the literacy graduation requirement.
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). The standard method for assessing the literacy skills of students for the purpose of determining whether they meet the Ontario secondary school literacy graduation requirement. The OSSLT is based on the expectations for reading and writing throughout the Ontario curriculum up to and including Grade 9.

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