Page 79 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 79

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. Speaking to Communicate: communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of speaking strategies, appropriate language structures, and language appropriate to the purpose and audience;
B2. SpeakingtoInteract:participateinspokeninteractionsinFrenchforavarietyofpurposesandwith diverse audiences;
B3. InterculturalUnderstanding:intheirspokencommunications,demonstrateanawarenessofaspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of the appropriate use of French sociolinguistic conventions in a variety of situations.
B1. Speaking to Communicate
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 Using Oral Communication Strategies: identify a range of speaking strategies and use them to express themselves clearly and coher- ently in French for various purposes and to a variety of audiences (e.g., allocate time to planning, mapping out, and practising a presentation; practise in front of a mirror to gain confidence before a presentation; rehearse a presentation with a partner before sharing it in a large group; use visuals to supplement and enhance a presentation; use gestures, body language, and facial expressions while speaking; repeat or paraphrase ideas to assist peers’ understanding; use a variety of sentence structures to enhance the flow between ideas; take into consideration what classmates know about
the topic when planning a presentation)
Teacher prompts: “Qu’est-ce qui t’aide à mieux communiquer ton message au grand groupe?” “Comment est-ce que la rétroaction d’un pair t’aide à exprimer tes idées avec confiance?” “Que peux-tu faire lors d’une présentation pour vérifier la compréhension de ton message?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can review the skills that students need to assist each other when rehearsing a presentation, such as listening attentively, taking turns, considering different points of view, asking for clarification, and rephrasing ideas.
B1.2 Producing Oral Communications: produce prepared and spontaneous messages in French to communicate information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, everyday matters and topics of personal interest, with contextual, auditory, and visual support as appropriate (e.g., use supporting ideas to add detail to messages; provide straight- forward explanations using clear and uncomplicated statements; describe themselves, their home,
and their community; express needs in everyday situations; speak about their interests and activities in school, their future plans, and/or their personal interests and pastimes outside of school; compare
a scene from the original version of a movie to its remake using a teacher-generated template; report on the results of a newspaper or menu scavenger hunt in which students locate English words also used in French –“mots apparentés”– such as “à la carte”,“à la mode”,“à propos”,“déjà vu”,“vis-à-vis”, “art nouveau”,“bon voyage”,“chauffeur”)
Teacher prompts: “Quel support visuel peut t’aider pendant ta présentation orale? Pourquoi?” “Quels sports préfères-tu? Est-ce que les médias jouent un rôle dans ton choix de sport? Comment?” “Où peut-on trouver un emploi
à temps partiel?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can model the use of the futur simple and futur proche to articulate future plans and goals.
(2) Teachers can suggest that students use adverbs of place and time (e.g., “hier”, “aujourd’hui”,
 Core French

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