Page 77 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 77

structuring questions in a conversation (e.g., “J’ai quatorze ans, et toi?”, “Et toi, qu’est-ce que tu feras à l’âge de dix-huit ans?”, “Je prends un chocolat chaud, et toi?”, “Et toi, qu’est-ce que tu prendras comme boisson?”).
(3) Teachers can suggest sentence starters that students can use when expressing what they have heard in a listening text (e.g., “J’apprends de nouveaux mots...”, “Dans ce texte, il y a...”, “C’est un message triste...”, “Ce sont des instructions, car...”).
A2. Listening to Interact
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 Using Interactive Listening Strategies: identify and use interactive listening strategies to suit a variety of situations while participating in structured and guided social interactions and interactions about everyday matters (e.g., demonstrate an understanding of when to speak and when to listen; during a dialogue with a peer, paraphrase statements made by their partner and verify the accuracy of the paraphrase with him
or her; clarify and confirm the messages in a presentation by commenting and asking questions afterwards; create a mental image of a message to make its meaning more vivid; repeat key information to express understanding of the oral text, in paired and small-group sessions; during a conversation, focus on tone of voice, intonation, facial expression, body language, and cognates to help them under- stand what others are saying)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi est-il important de reformuler les instructions de l’enseignant aux membres de ton groupe avant de commencer la tâche?” “Que fais-tu pour clarifier et comprendre un message?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can demonstrate the use of conjunctions and other linking words (e.g., “donc”, “et”, “car”, “ensuite”, “mais”) and encourage students to use them when paraphrasing what they have heard.
A2.2 Interacting: respond with understanding to what others say while participating in a variety of structured and guided interactions about new and familiar topics, in formal and informal situations (e.g., make plans for the weekend with friends; participate in paired and small-group conversations on familiar topics, such as recycling
or eating habits; in a small group, discuss what items are found in their favourite stores, as well as other reasons for liking these stores; listen to a peer’s description of his or her family and ask questions to get to know them better; in pairs, discuss where to find a better price for a product)
Teacher prompts: “Comment enrichis-tu ton vocabulaire français pour maintenir une con- versation?” “De quelle façon les commentaires et les opinions d’un pair influencent-ils le travail de groupe?” “Comment dévelopez-vous un meilleur esprit d’équipe?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can review the use of adverbs formed from adjectives as well as the use of personal pronouns to replace nouns (e.g., “L’écureuil
est rapide, il court rapidement”, “Mon frère
est impulsif, il dépense impulsivement”, “Les tortues sont lentes, elles marchent lentement”, “Mark est sérieux, il travaille sérieusement”) and can encourage students to use them when paraphrasing statements during their interactions with others.
(2) Teachers can encourage students to listen during interactions for familiar and new words and expressions that they can use in their own oral and written work.
A2.3 Metacognition:
(a) describe strategies they found helpful before, during, and after listening
(b) identify their areas of greater and lesser strength as listeners, and plan steps they can take to improve their listening skills (e.g., describe which listening strategies helped them contribute to a group discussion)
Teacher prompts: “Comment le fait d’observer une interaction peut-il t’aider à identifier tes points forts et tes défis?” “Quelles stratégies d’écoute utilises-tu le plus souvent pendant
tes conversations et pourquoi?”
Instructional tips:
(1) Teachers can demonstrate the use of sentence starters that students can use when self-assessing their listening skills (e.g., “Je peux reconnaître...”, “Je peux comprendre...”, “Je suis capable de...”).
(2) Teachers can involve students in planning and goal setting, monitoring their own progress, and adapting new strategies as needed to develop effective listening habits.
 Core French

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