Page 382 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 382

THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language
cues, non-verbal and visual/les indices non verbaux et visuels. Aspects of spoken and unspoken communication that convey meaning without the use of words, such as facial expres- sions, gestures, body language, illustrations, typefaces, and punctuation.
cues, verbal/les indices verbaux. Aspects of spoken and unspoken language that convey meaning. Examples include: tone of voice, intonation, inflection, emphasis; types of words (e.g., nouns, verbs, adjectives); prefixes and suffixes (e.g., indicators of plurals, verb tenses); sound patterns (e.g., rhyme); pauses; pace.
culture/la culture. The customary beliefs, values, social forms, and material traits of an ethnic, religious, or social group. It includes the arts, literature, lifestyles, and traditions.
dramatization/la dramatisation. The recasting of a story or other material into the form of a play or drama.
editing/la révision. The making of changes to the content, structure, and wording of drafts to improve the organization of ideas, eliminate awkward phrasing, correct grammatical and spelling errors, and generally ensure that the writing is clear, coherent, and correct.
elements of style. See stylistic elements (literary devices).
elements of writing (composition and style)/ les éléments d’écriture (la rédaction et le style). Essential aspects of written compositions. Examples include: a central theme or topic;
the organization of information and ideas; use of an introduction and conclusion; diction (word choice); the use of conventions of spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, and paragraphing; plot; characterization; atmosphere; point of view; literary devices/stylistic elements.
forms of fictional texts/les textes de fiction. Examples include: story, short story, adventure story, detective story, myth, legend, fable, folk- tale, poem, song lyrics, ballad, novel (including mystery novel, historical novel, science fiction novel), play, script.
forms of graphic texts/les textes illustrés. Examples include: chart, word web, diagram, label, advertisement, public sign, poster, comic strip, comic book, graphic novel, logo, schedule, graph, map, table, illustration, pictorial text, symbol.
forms of informational texts/les textes informatifs. Examples include: history book, geography textbook, journal article, report, essay, book review, commentary, description, summary, editorial, newspaper or magazine article, television or radio script, dialogue, letter (personal, business), invitation, “how-to” book, manual, instructions or procedures, announce- ment, advertisement, brochure, notes, jottings, public sign, label, biography, autobiography, speech, résumé, personal journal, diary, cata- logue, reference book, encyclopedia, theatre or concert program.
forms of literary texts/les textes littéraires. Examples include: short story, adventure story, detective story, myth, legend, fable, folktale, cumulative tale, lyric poem, dramatic poem, ballad, novel, mystery novel, historical novel, science fiction novel, soliloquy, play, script.
forms of media texts/les textes médiatiques. Examples include: advertisement, email, feature film or documentary, music video, DVD, food packaging, newspaper, magazine, brochure, movie trailer, editorial, sculpture, song, dance, news report, news conference, press release, sports program, documentary, situation comedy (sitcom), television or radio program or com- mercial, interview, travelogue, cartoon, web page, podcast, multimedia text, blog, database, interactive software, digital dictionary.
forms of oral texts/la production orale. Texts that can be either spoken or heard. Examples include: dialogue, monologue, lecture, anecdote, play, greeting, conversation, question, statement, exclamation, instructions, directions, poem, rhyme, song, rap, story, anecdote, announcement, play, film, newscast, television or radio show, interview, oral presentation, speech, recitation, debate, report, role play.

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